Now this is a story about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the friend of a Doctor called Who
In west Scotland born and raised
In the bedroom I spent most of my days
Playing, drawing, relaxing all cool
But worrying about a crack in my wall
When a ragedy man came, up to no good
Complaining about all my food.
When he realised it wasn't so hard
He said only one thing, "Fish fingers and Custard"
I showed him the crack in my wall
He pointed a screwdriver, it was all
glowing, whistling and some sort of cry
And out came peering a giant eye
He left me with fears
For a whole 12 years
For that I hated
But I will always be, The girl who waited
Written by me.